Projects and Publications
Here are a few recent examples of publications, posters, and presentations from our residents during their training:
- O’Donnell E, Casalino LP. Private equity investment in behavioral health treatment centers. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019;77(3):229-230.
- Burton B, Saleh FM. Psychopathy: Insights for General Practice. Psychiatric Times 2020;37(10):16-7
- Burton B, Drogin E. Acquisition and Interpretation of Digital Information in Forensic Assessments. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 2021;29(3): 234-9.
- Fagen PJ, Saleh F. Perspectives on Sex and Normality. Sex Offenders: Identification, Risk Assessment, Treatment, and Legal Issues. 2nd Edition. Saleh et al. (Eds). Oxford University Press, New York: In press.
- Pollio DE, North CS. A longitudinal study of housing status and crime in a homeless population. Ann Clin Psychiatry 2018;30(4):280-8.
- Farrell HM. ‘Miracle’ Cures in Psychiatry. Current Psychiatry 2019; 18(9):13-16.
- Reactive Attachment Disorder. What do I do now? Common Disordrders in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Thom R and McDougle C (Eds). Oxford University Press: New York, NY. In Press.
- Fox S, Gallagher E, Boyd JW. "When the treatment is torture: ICE must stop using solitary confinement for Covid-19 quarantine". STAT News, 7 Aug 2020.
- Griffin RH, Pachankis JE. Minority stress, social integration, and the mental health needs of LGBTQ asylum seekers in North America. Social Science & Medicine 2020;246:112727.
- and McKenzie K. “Importance of Releasing Asylum Seekers from Detention during the COVID Pandemic.” TheHill, 10 Apr. 2020.
- Forensic Evaluation of LGBTQ asylum seekers. Asylum Medicine: A Clinician’s Guide. 2022.
- et al. To Test or Not to Test: Screening for anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate Receptor Antibodies in Atypical First Episode Psychosis. Poster presented at: poster session. American Psychiatric Association; 2019 May 21; San Francisco, CA.
- et al. Cognitive Outcomes in Pediatric Patients with Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis. Poster presented at: New Research Poster. AACAP's 66th Annual Meeting; 2019 October 17; Chicago, IL.
- Ackerman M, Greenwald E, Noulas P, Ahn C. Patient Satisfaction with and Use of Telemental Health Services in the Perinatal Period: A Survey Study. Psychiatric Quartlery, 2021.
- Scarella TM. Assessment of Burnout and Associated Factors in a Group of Psychiatry Residents at a Major Academic Medical Center. Presented at Annual Meeting of AADPRT, Dallas TX, March 4, 2020.
- Saleh FM, Jackson A, Burton B, Ahmed A. Assessment and Management of Violent Behavior. In Tasman's Psychiatry 5th ed. 2021. In Press.
- Johnson M, Fox S, Florman J, Leo J. Refeeding a Corpse: A young patient with cotard delusions, avoidant eating, and catatonia on the medical floo. Poster accepted for Academy of Consultation and Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 2020.
- Johnson M, Lizano P. Autoantibodies and language deficits: Syntax and fluency deficits assisting the psychiatrist's diagnosis of psychosis attributed to systemic lupus erythematosus in a sixteen year old female. Poster accepted to Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry Annual Meeting, 2020.
- Jones NM, Torous J. Mental Health Apps in the Workplace. Psychiatric Annals 2020; submitted.
- Physician Aid-in-Dying: Practical Consideration. Am J Psych Res Journal 2018; 13(5): 3-5.
- An assessment framework for screening smartphone applications. Presented at Mysell Research Day, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA, 2019.
- Ethics of digital health apps: Assessing risks related to privacy of personal information. Presented at Harvard Psychiatry Resident Education Day, Boston MA, 2018.
- Levinsohn EA, Twark C, Anxiety in Athletes. In Sports and Mental Health: Research to Everday Practice. In Press.
- Hill KP. Clinical uses of cannabis and cannabinoids in the United States. Journal of the Neurological Sciences 2020; 411:116717.
- Law and orders: Legal paperwork on the inpatient psychiatric unit. Presented at Longwood Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Boston, MA. April 16, 2020.
- et al. Juvenile sex offenders: Epidemiology, risk management, and treatment. In Saleh, F. M., et al (Eds.) Sex offenders: Identification, risk assessment, treatment, and legal issues. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. In Press.

Program Chief Resident Radu Iliescu with Program Director Christie. Sams and Associate Program Director Tim Scarella in front of his poster describing a research study on factors associated with resident burn-out at the annual AADPRT meeting in March 2020
- and Saleh F. Antipsychotics and ECT. Accepted for Committee for Public Counsel Services, Mental Health Litigation Division, Guardianship Trial Panel Certification Training, Worcester, MA, March 21 2020 (Conference canceled due to COVID)
- The mathematics of drugs. Presented at Harvard Longwood Psychiatry Resident Education Day, Boston, MA, 2019.
- Marchalik D, Rodriguez A, Namath A, Krasnow R, Padmore J, Groninger H. The impact of non-medical reading on clinician burnout: a national survey of palliative care providers. Annals of Palliative Medicine. 2019, Sep; 8(4): 428-435.
- Suresh R. Hotline for Med Students Facing Burnout. MedScapre. 2019.
- Sharma S, Baca C, Torous J, Dunn E. “Impact of Collateral on Emergency Department Length of Stay in College-Aged Patients.” Psychiatric Quarterly. March 2020.
- Radhakrishnan V, Wu A, Tourous J. Burnout in Mental Health Professionals: Using Podcasts to Explore more and Empower All Voices. Psychology Today, Posted 6/21/2020. Retrieved from
- Baca C, Torous J, Dunn E, “Impact of Collateral on Emergency Department Length of Stay in College-Aged Patients.” American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. To be presented: October 19-24, 2020
- Strandwitz P, Kim KH, et al. GABA-Modulating bacteria of the human gut microbiota. Nat Microbiol 2019;4(3):396-403.
- Samuels S, Menand EV, Mauer EA, Hernandez S, Mathews TL, Albright AA, Antal Z, Kanellopoulos D. Anxiety and Type 1 Diabetes Management: Guardian and Child Report in a Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic. Psychosomatics. 2020 May-Jun; 61(3):231-237.
- Tom MR, Mina MJ. To Interpret the SARS-CoV-2 Test, Consider the Cycle Threshold Value. Clin Infect Dis. 2020; 71(16):2252-4
- Tom MR, Vago DR. Equanimity in the Practice of Psychiatry. In The Virtues in Psychiatric Practice, Ed. Peteet JR. Oxford University Press: New York, MY. In press.
- Tom MR, Dearborn-Tomazos JL. Impact of COVID-19-Related Physical Distancing on Mental and Physical Health of People with Recent Stroke. Ann Neurol 2020;88:S91-92. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Neurologic Association, Oct 6 2020.
- Chenbhanich J, Phupitakphol T, Atsawarungruangkit A, Treadwell, T. Hospitalization of adults with Down Syndrome; lesson from a 10-year experience in a community hospital. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 2019;63:266-76.
- What should we do? The patient's stiff! Improving intern comfort with chemical restraints and acute dystonic reaction monitoring. Poster presented at: Session 4. 12th Annual Silverman Symposium; 2019 June 4; Boston, MA.
- et al. Using MaxDiff survey methods to characterize resident burnout heterogeneity: Preferences for seeking support and barriers to utilizing mental health resources. Poster planned for 2020 Harvard Psychiatry Research Day, but cancelled due to Covid-19.
- Medical student education from a resident's perspective. Presented at Harvard Resident Education Day, 2019.